Mark Kasumovic’s work revolves around the inherent truth-value of the photograph and the many limitations within the medium. His most recent work investigates the relationships between technology and knowledge production within the context of scientific research. Other projects include: Picture/Perfect, which uses the tourist as a backdrop to explore the explosion of digital images as data in the information age, An American Landscape, which explores the multiplicity of meaning possible through the process of picture making with a camera, and Ideal Landscapes, which challenges the value of traditional landscape photography by turning the natural landscape into an artificially lit stage.

Mark Kasumvic
Image Mark Kasumovic

Mark has received grants and honours from the Ontario Arts Council, Canada Council for the Arts, Culture Nova Scotia, and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. He was awarded Junior Visiting Research Fellowship at the University of New South Wales School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences (Faculty of Science). His work has been exhibited internationally at various venues and was recently featured in this year’s British Science Festival.


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